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Brian J. Keller

You have to try this!

Ever been excited about something that you wanted someone else to have a similar experience? That you just couldn’t wait to share and see what the other person thought?

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 4:6-7 NIV


I love this verse and can tell you from experience that if you do what was written here it works! Imagine that. God deposited a verse from some Bible author that when you read it, follow the instruction, you will get the result!

When you read the Bible or even some of these little Bible verses some of us like to share what happens for you? Is it just a string of words? Is it like those headlines you read in your social media feed? Does it help you stop and think?

Just like anything, if it there is too much you will glance over it. You won’t take it in. You won’t let it soak into your thoughts and feelings. So we have to be careful just how much we get nourished by. That’s right. I’m saying too much Bible can be a bad thing. But no Bible well that’s also a bad thing.

So what’s my point?

Well, find away to get some Bible into your daily diet of information. Don’t just act like it doesn’t matter. Take a moment to understand that you are feeding some quality stuff into that thought life of yours. You are probably being hit with some wisdom or something that provokes something in you. If it doesn’t you might want to simply ask God to bring something to you that will.

In the case of this verse, not being anxious when you get with God and showing thanksgiving for what you have, well that is a wonderful approach to asking God about whatever it is you want. Once you find some peace you get to hear from Him. It works! You’ve got to trust me on this. You have to move out that noise in your life so that direct line you have doesn’t get interfered with.

The peace of God is possible. Despite all that is going on and all that has happened in your life you can and will find that peace if you seek it. You seek it by investing time to get with God and to hear from Him. You hear from Him by connecting to that Holy Spirit that Jesus tells us about and is right there ready, willing, and able to guide you.

Now it isn’t easy to eliminate that noise. Satan is working hard to always keep it this way because he knows it’s that thought life where he can mess with you. He knows that the more things that have nothing to do with God and nothing you can do anything about triggering your reactions takes you away from the peace that God has for you. This isn’t to say you should be numb to things around us you just have to manage your reactions to them and how much time you spend on them.

So let’s try to reduce the distractions. When you find yourself drifting just reconnect with God by saying something like, “God please reconnect me to you.” It’s fine to have those thoughts that take you away. It’s probably best to just acknowledge the thought and then let it go. (My son gave me that idea from someone who shared with him how to handle thoughts. Especially the ones that want to take you off your game.)

As for the bible verses. Well, I’d say if you aren’t getting them often, find a few that connect with you and be reminded of them. I have plenty! I do share them in these writings when they trigger things like this writing. If they help you, great! Find a system that works for you and by all means put aside those things that push you away from centering and connecting with God. After all, who better to be in direct relationship than the creator of it all and the one relationship where they never change plus they love you just the way you are!


Heavenly Father, thank you for loving us. Thank you for the constant sharing of words, ideas, and thoughts to get through to us. Allow us to remove those things that take us away from you. Grant us the time, space, and willingness to be connected with you. When we do, Father, bring that peace that some of us find. Bring the contentment in the life you have given each of us. Bring the understanding that each of us have a very personal and unique walk with you. Help us truly enjoy that walk and celebrate those times where we are just mutually enjoying this life. Please Father, keep us, our families, and our friend safe and connected to you. We pray this in the name of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Amen.


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