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Brian J. Keller


Updated: Mar 20, 2023

What is exactly worthy to you?

“You, however, must teach what is appropriate to sound doctrine. Teach the older men to be temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled, and sound in faith, in love and in endurance.” Titus 2:1-2 NIV


This is a great word. Worthy.

If something is worth your time, you feel like you spent that time wisely. If someone or something is worth your interest and attention, you are happy you gave it.

Was that worth my time? Was that worth my eating it? Drinking it? Tasting it? Seeing it? Smelling it? Doing it?

"They are not worth my time!" This is a harsh statement; however, when you consider that our days are numbered, and we squander them doing things that are not worthy, why would you spend time with anything or anyone not worth your time?

Now how about being a worthy representative of God. We are talking about representing God. Like, God! Have you ever thought you are representing Him or perhaps His Son to someone else?

For those of us that have a passion for introducing people to God through Jesus, we should ponder that word worthy. How do we live? Are we a model of someone that can help another experience God in such a way they are drawn to being with God? What does it take?

It takes many shapes and sizes of us. Many different models because God is truly unexplainable in totality. However, seeing Him through others gives us glimpses of just how awesome He is. How?

Jesus pointed out a woman who gave what she had in her purse as part of a collection. He made it clear her sacrifice was more significant than anyone else's. Amazing how he spoke of her act of charity while He would provide the ultimate sacrifice for us. It is how we serve others that help demonstrate how God is and who God is. What do we sacrifice to prove being a servant or directing what we have towards what God needs us to do? This is worth it.

People who overcome addiction, being abused, raped, losing a loved one, losing their possessions, and anyone who comes out of extreme circumstances to be humbled in God and give Him the glory show us, God. Show us that working through those trials and tribulations demonstrates having a thirst for an improved life that isn't owned by what happened or what you did, is worthy. We overcome to live the next day and see life not by what was but by what it is now. Which version of a person seems inspiring? Very worthy.

To be a representative of God takes courage, awareness of your role, and living your life centered on God and ultimately connected to God. God is always there, so willing to take you as you are. A beautiful work in progress that He can work with to make you a worthy representative of Him. Not judged by others' view of what worthy looks like but by what He sees as worthy. Each of us have that opportunity. We are a work in progress every day of our lives. So long as we desire to be connected and centered, I believe God sees us as worthy.

Imagine that. Right now. Just as you are, with all those scars and other baggage you bring to the table, our Father in heaven sees you as worthy. Worthy of His love. Worthy of His Holy Spirit to guide you through this life. Worthy of having an impact in this world, significant or small. An impact that only you can provide and all it takes is being centered and connected to the God in Heaven, who is worthy of our devotion and respect. Talk about worthy!


Heavenly Father, it does seem that it is as simple as this. That we are to live a life centered and connected to you. To be the best version of ourselves each day you allow us to live. Each day that is a gift and an opportunity to experience your creation and to represent you to another. To show what it looks like to love a Heavenly Father and to be humbled that you love us in return. Father, we know that living life isn’t always going to be easy. We will experience difficult things. Evil is all around us. But Father, connected to you brings us a sense of contentment that you will guide us through. So long as our eyes are on you and not the distractions of this world we will find our way to our eternity. Thank you Father for this revelation. Thank you for all you have done for us. We ask you to keep us, our families, and our friends safe. We pray all of this in the name of Jesus, who is our Savior and Lord. Amen.


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