Does the bible translation of a verse matter? I think it does.
“And do not bring sorrow to God’s Holy Spirit by the way you live. Remember, he has identified you as his own, guaranteeing that you will be saved on the day of redemption.” - Ephesians 4:30 NLT
I was reading a devotion and the bible verse used was the one I am sharing here. The word that jumped out at me was sorrow. Paul is telling the Ephesians and me (maybe you too) to not bring sorrow to the Holy Spirit. How? The way we live.
Could you imagine that? The way you live your life and you harm the Holy Spirit inside of you?
Paul has a few reminders in his writings about recognizing that the Holy Spirit does indeed live inside of us. Kind of with you all the time. A side of that is creepy and another side of that is a big relief.
Creepy in that no matter what I’m doing somebody is always watching me. Despite me. Sort of God’s spy. Looking for when I’m doing something wrong? That’s the Catholic in me coming out I think. But perhaps the Spirit is there to enjoy what I do right? After all, if we are decent people, we are probably doing more good than bad.
It’s the bad thing that can bring sorrow to the Spirit it seems. It’s when we aren’t living more the way Jesus taught us that leads us toward sin and not away from it. That is the part that has to bring that sorrow. But why?
I’ve written about consequences of actions. Eve and the apple one of the very first one. One simple act and a new course is set. The Holy Spirit knows what the path could be I guess and when we get off that course it must also know that while this path can lead to salvation it’s not going to be as pleasant as the other path was.
I know several men that played football in high school and some in college. They aren’t young any more. Their bodies are showing the effects of their decision to go down that path. Their older life is a bit harder from a mobility point of view than perhaps it could have been. Maybe the Spirit didn’t experience sorrow but maybe it knew come 60 something a new knee, back pain, and other joints would be frequent reminder of those glory days gone by. I also know some folks who didn't always tell the truth, spent too much time at the office, or decided other things were more important than their families. They have a different thing representing those actions.
That’s just it. We let ourselves inform ourselves more than we let the Spirit help. I kind of get that when we are immature. But as an older person with those aches and pains of experience isn’t it time to get tuned in? How about we bring some joy to that Spirit who might simply say in relief “Finally!”
By the way, other translations of the bible do not use that word sorrow. Sort of infers similar things but because I read this particular translation it struct me more. No matter which translation you use it still the same message, bring the good stuff to the Holy Spirit and leave the garbage out!
Heavenly Father thank you for this provocation. Thank you for helping us understand how to relate with the Holy Spirit. Guide us as we continue to work towards bringing joy to the Spirit. Protect us from negativity and when it enters our life we find a way to the peace you provide. Father, keep us, our families, and our friends safe. We pray in the name of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Amen.