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Brian J. Keller

God’s Warning - When do you take notice?

Why is it difficult to take notice of those "warnings" from God? What is it that is getting in the way?


I get regular “Things” reminder about ways to live according to God. I do most of them and to be fair probably 90%. So what about that other 10%? Why is that the hard thing to do?

God is very clear. He is very patient. But he is clear. He isn’t really going to change his mind. In fact, it would seem ignoring or not working on how to get better really is simply testing God.

Jesus was clear about this during the temptations of Christ. He would not tempt the Father.  So if Jesus is our model why don’t we model Him better?

Brian’s Answer: It really is about earthly pleasure. It is the sin nature in us.

Some have this incredible discipline that when they decide something they never go back. Those people seem to be rare. I believe there are people more like me. More who have good intentions, who do very well in many areas of their lives but in certain areas they just have a hard time getting there. We may never get there. But we try. We put reminders in place. We feel guilty or other when we fail again and again.

However, that doesn’t mean we should give up. Again, I refer to the Passion of the Christ. Clearly, Jesus who was beaten, tired, hurt, and fill in whatever word you wish, but let’s face it if anyone had the chance to simply give up it would have been him. He could have collapsed and died on the street. He didn’t. He figured out what was needed, had some support, and continued on. He was tired and mentally at His end he really had to go on. He had to follow the Father to the end. To the moment he left this world to be with the father.

Isn’t that the way it should be for us? We don’t always have the clarity of purpose. It seems to ebb and flow. However, the one thing that is constant is God. The Holy Spirit inside of us and the fact we are not here for ourselves but for Him. Even though we will fail, we need to continue. We need to figure out how to heed the warnings and if we need some help along the way that’s okay.

My point is simple, God gives us plenty of warnings when we are not doing what He needs for us to do. Caution signs. Barricades. People standing in our way. He does this to keep us from going away from his will. We should align and move on. We do need to overcome ourselves so we can more completely follow Him.

So good luck and wish me the same. God’s warnings are clear and the hazard of not listening exists. So how about we start listening?


Heavenly Father, thank you for bringing things to our attention. Thank you for your patience with us. Father, please help us take notice and move in the direction you wish for us. Give us eyes to see, ears to hear, and the courage to take action in your direction. Please keep us, our families, and our friends safe. We ask all of this in the name of Jesus our Savior and Lord. Amen.


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