Why do some Christians seem to hear from God and others don’t? What holds us back from hearing from God?
“Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say.” John 8:43 NIV
During a devotional I landed on this part of John 8 and the verse rang out to me. Jesus, in speaking to Jewish leaders of the time, is addressing those people who don’t seem to be getting it. Even though He was speaking to them at the time these verses could be speaking to us as well.
I can remember times in my life I wondered if God even existed. It seemed like He wasn’t paying attention to what was going on in my life to me. This was especially true when I was a very young person going through some early tribulations.
Don’t you love that idea of tribulations for a kid? I don’t believe I saw them as tribulations as a kid. I believe they were just times when I pondered where was God in these moments?
As I grew and life stared to be life I also wondered where God was. Sure, He and I would get connected on Sunday. I would attend Catholic mass many weeks and had a pretty good track record. During that 45 or so minutes God and I were together. Well, except when I was drifting off thinking about what was happening in my life. Or when I was single noticed an attractive woman. Or maybe the homily was just another plea for money and had nothing to do with what was just read to me. Or ... I think you get the point.
When I left church, felt awesome. I sort of feel that way after whatever service I attend even now as an adult. It’s never a bad thing to be part of a worship service and dedicating that time to be present with God.
So now back to what Jesus was trying to say then and perhaps now. We miss the messages from God when we allow our lives to be so full of other things. We miss the messages when we are playing back narratives that are focused on the things we don’t have or once had. We let the world noise crowd out the quiet which allows God to step in and give us what we need.
Another way we miss God’s messages for us is an unwillingness to appreciate where the Holy Spirit resides. We can often look at people in our world and not agree with another. They have a different political view, perhaps have a different Christian Club Membership, or dress in away that isn’t our way. However, we forget, because once again we are being distracted by an earthly view, that the Holy Spirit is inside of that person as well. Especially, if they believe in Jesus and are hopefully a follower. I also believe, that God uses others to speak to us no matter what.
Imagine that, God, wants to communicate with us but we get in our own way. Has this happened to you? Have you missed a message because you were not paying attention or at least open to a message?
Jesus made it pretty clear. If you love God, really love God, you will be more open to communication. But don’t say you love God when you spend no time with God. When you are so caught up in your life that you have no room for Him.
Also, do not be so caught up in your Christian Club that you can’t be open to something a little different. After all, doesn’t the world change? God doesn’t seem to be writing commandments on tablets any longer or expect slauthered animals. God wants you. He wants your attention, He wants your time, and He wants to be shoulder to shoulder with you through your journey.
Heavenly Father thank you for Jesus and John. Thank you for the words that have been handed down through the centuries that ring true today. Help us Father strip away some distractions so we can have more time with you. Be more invested in You and Your word. Father, ignite the Holy Spirit in each of us and help us witness Your Spirit in others. Take more of us Father and strip away some of this worlds concern so we might find more peace in joy in our days. Please keep us, our families, and our friends safe. We pray this in the name of Jesus who is our Savior and Lord. Amen.