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Brian J. Keller

Different Models

So many contrasting characters in the Bible. What set Jesus apart from Adam?


As I was reading a devotional I ran across a verse that sparked a thought. The verse came from Romans which is believed to have been written by Paul. Paul, the Christen-slayer turned Church planter wrote many things. This particular thought was looking at the difference between what happened by Adam’s action versus the actions of Jesus.

We all know the story of creation. Mankind starts with Adam. Adam and God had time together in the Garden of Eden. I can’t recall how long but suffice it to say God knew Adam would need another in his life. A partner. Someone to build a future with. Here is the first difference between Adam and Jesus.

Jesus did not have a partner in the same way that Adam did. Jesus was focused on the mission the Father gave Him and there was no distraction or need to stay in lock step with another. That isn’t to say Jesus didn’t have important people around him. He just didn’t have a spouse where there would be another who you need to consider in your life.

Adam and Eve go along in that new relationship when an earthly thought, a temptation comes along. A desire to know more, to taste something different, and to satisfy that curiosity. So it happens. Adam, in a union with another, has a decision to make. God versus this earthly existence. He chooses the earthly existence and of course when confronted tries to deflect the blame.

Jesus on the other hand doesn’t succumb to earthly distractions. He remains faithful and connected to the Father. Though He is confronted by earthly decisions we witness Him always taking the path leading towards the Father’s direction.

Perhaps the single moment where Jesus shows some humanity is while praying about what was about to happen to Him. He knows it isn’t going to be easy to follow the path God has laid out for Him. So He humbly asked God to let this situation pass. Truly a very human thing to do. We all have probably done that. But then He adds that He is okay with God’s way. He will embrace God’s way and live through whatever that way has in store. Talk about faith!

It might be a little unfair to compare Adam to Jesus. Paul slaps a good deal on Adam. Well deserved for sure. But Adam was not God. Adam did not have decades of stories to learn from. He is just a man and he was navigating his situation the best way he knew. He brings out a model that is more like you and me. While Jesus, clearly is the model we should aspire for, we more resemble several of the other Bible characters. No doubt, we become our own unique model embracing what we pickup from the influences around us.

My encouragement is this. As you continue being molded into the model you are becoming take a good hard look at the way Jesus represented. He was loving, kind, compassionate, faithful, prayerful, and stayed the course despite the external influences around Him. He daily connected with God. He did that in alone time and pretty much throughout the day. Not a bad way to go. His way brings us to our final destination which is home with God in heaven. If you are like me that is where you would rather be when eternity happens.


Heavenly Father thank you for many stories in the Bible. Thank you for showing us the various models, stages of faith, and approaches towards faith. Thank you for always giving us that chance to find our path with you. Please Father, keep us, our families, and our friends safe. Help us grow deeper in our faith and keep that light shining on our paths so we find our way home. We pray this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, our Savior, and the model of a way to live we aspire to. Amen.


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1 Comment

Steve Tipton
Feb 05, 2024

Great quiet time read

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