As a community grows, we must be careful about representing ourselves, especially now.
16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. (Matthew 10:16 NIV)
Jesus sent out his disciples and made it clear what they should expect. Sheep among wolves. It seems to me that sheep look very tempting to a wolf. However, we get a little extra detail from Him, shrewd as a snake and innocent like a dove. It doesn't take a bible scholar to understand this. Right?
I have noticed that some of my Christian friends can be too out there in their Christian faith. Don't get me wrong. I appreciate the boldness of folks. I appreciate your willingness to express your faith. However, we must follow the direction Jesus gave His disciples and us. Let me explain.
Plenty of people have fallen away from the faith. Religious institutions seem to give us plenty of reason to do so. At least, that is what I see; however, it is very disappointing when people lose faith because of the religious institution. For me, I would say those people lacked the kind of faith that is needed. A faith that isn't broken because of an institution. Sure, they lose faith in that institution. But remember, that institution is not God. No church is God. No temple is God. No structure or organization is God. God is God.
So now that we are here, how do we help get people connected and centered on God? For me, it's about speaking a truth that starts with not letting religion get in the way of your faith. God is too big for anyone to have this fully figured out. So why fully trust a pastor, priest, or some prescribed structure? This is not to say I am against them. On the contrary, I am for them in a big way. However, I've noticed people get caught up in a "Simon Says" type game.
That conversation goes like this. The Dogma says, do this, the priest says to do this, and the pastor says, do this. As long as you keep doing what you believe, they said you have this sense you are probably good. For me, you are missing a good deal more. Why? Because you are worshiping the Dogma, the priest, or the pastor. You are not listening to God. So you do have to be careful. You have to test what somebody says against the Bible. Plus, your faith has to be in way more than the individuals talking about God and their view of how it goes. Don't get me wrong, be informed, be educated, but don't be fooled. Also, don't be careless in how you relate with God. It is more than just a Sunday session or some high holy day. It's daily and should, of course, be honoring and respectful.
None of us have it figured out. So our walk on this earth has to be one like Jesus suggested. Realize you are a world with different views and willing to do whatever it takes to make you go quiet. Realize that you have to treat everyone with respect. However, be shrewd and wise. Do not be a fool. Do not compromise your faith in the Father; by no means should you ever let culture dictate what is or is not right in the eyes of God. What should be tested against is good or bad for whoever it is, including yourself. Is it a sin to eat meat on a Friday during Lent? Is it wrong to listen to music played with an instrument? You get the point. Now represent.
Heavenly Father, thank you for this wise counsel by Jesus. While He shared that with those around Him back then, it certainly applies to us now. Please help us be wise in how we represent our faith. May we reflect a faith you are proud of and the kind that needs to be expressed towards those you bring in our path. Please help us, Father, reset how we think and allow religions and traditions to help us and not get in our way of being in a relationship with you. Thank you for giving us Jesus as a model of how to be. Keep us, our families, and our friends safe. We pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, and Lord. Amen.
Excellent Brian!